የላስቲክ ግብዓቶች ቦርሳዎች

አጭር መግለጫ:

Zonpak TM  rubber ingredient bags are specially designed for packing rubber ingredients and chemicals used in the rubber compounding process. The materials e.g. black carbon, anti-aging agent, accelerator, curing agent and process oil can be pre-weighed and temporarily stored in these bags. As these bags together with the materials inside can be direct put into an internal mixer, they can help make the rubber mixing work easy and clean.

የምርት ዝርዝር

የምርት መለያዎች

Zonpak TM  rubber ingredient bags are specially designed for packing rubber ingredients and chemicals used in the rubber compounding process. The materials e.g. black carbon, anti-aging agent, accelerator, curing agent and aromatic hydrocarbon oil can be pre-weighed and temporarily stored in these bags.  As these bags together with the materials inside can be direct put into an internal mixer, they can help make the rubber mixing work easy and clean.


  • ንጥረ ነገሮች እና ኬሚካሎች በመጨመር ትክክለኛ
  • ቀላል ቅድመ-የሚመዝን እና ለማከማቸት
  • ንጹህ መቀላቀልን አካባቢ
  • ተጨማሪዎች እና ኬሚካሎች ምንም ማባከን 
  • ወደ ጎጂ ቁሳቁሶች ሠራተኞች 'መጋለጥ መቀነስ
  • Higher mixing work efficiency


  • ቀለም, ማተም, ቦርሳ ለእኩል


  • ይዘት: ኤቫ
  • ጉራማይሌ ነጥብ: 65-110 ዲግሪ. ሲ
  • ፊልም ውፍረት: 30-100 ማይክሮን
  • ቦርሳ ስፋት: 100-1200 ሚሜ
  • ቦርሳ ርዝመት: 150-1500mm

  • የቀድሞው:
  • ቀጣይ:

  • ተው የአሜሪካ መልዕክት

    ተዛማጅ ምርቶች

    ተው የአሜሪካ መልዕክት