Low Bræðið FFS Mynd

Stutt lýsing:

Zonpak TM  low melt FFS film is specially designed for the FFS bagging machine to make little packages (100g-5000g) of rubber and plastic chemicals to meet the compounding demand of the tire and rubber industry.

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Zonpak TM  low melt FFS film is specially designed for the FFS bagging machine to make little packages (100g-5000g) of rubber and plastic chemicals to meet the exact compounding demand of the tire and rubber industry. The FFS film is made of EVA (copolymer of ethylene and vinyl acetate) resin which has a lower melting point than PE, rubber like elasticity, no toxicity, good chemical stability and high compatibility with natural and synthetic rubbers. So the bags together with contained materials can be direct put into an internal mixer, and the bags can easily melt and disperse into the rubber or plastic as a minor effective ingredient.

Kvikmyndir með mismunandi bræðslumark og þykkt eru í boði til að mæta mismunandi kröfum umsókn.


tæknilegra staðla

Bræðslumark 72, 85, 100 deg. C
Líkamlegir eiginleikar
togstyrk ≥13MPa 
Brotlenging ≥300%  
Modulus á 100% lenging  ≥3MPa
Yfirborð vara er flatt og slétt, það er engin hrukka, engin kúla.

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